My take.
They are going after fuison GPS on top of everyone else.
The whole point of using GPS (and all these other groups) is to make the paper trail very complex, which makes it harder to prosecute and get to the truth.
Because, each group has their own unique constitutional rights. Creating leagal hurdles.
Well. Its not working.
and the democrats attempts to block these unsealings and forced testimonies aren't working either.
My take.
They are going after fuison GPS on top of everyone else.
The whole point of using GPS (and all these other groups) is to make the paper trail very complex, and it makes it harder to prosecute and get to the truth.
Because, each group has their own unique constitutional rights. Creating leagal hurdles.
Well. Its not working.
and the democrats attempts to block these unsealings and forced testimonies aren't working either.
My take.
They are going after fuison GPS on top of everyone else.
The whole point of using GPS (and all these other groups) is to make the paper trail very complex, and it makes it harder to prosecute and get to the truth.
Because, each group has their own constitutional rights. Creating leagal hurdles.
Well. Its not working.
and the democrats attempts to block these unsealings and forced testimonies aren't working either.