Wow, this is a steaming pile of unconvincing flailing. “Who do you believe, us, objective fact checkers for the Associated Press, or your lying eyes?”
The mules recorded dumping piles of ballots in the drop boxes could’ve just been doing it for (large) families, or the disabled! And many were wearing gloves (in Atlanta) because of the cold, and COVID. And then they threw their rubber gloves in the trash because it, I dunno, warmed up quickly. 🙄🙄🙄
Pages and pages of fatuous and false deboonking like this only makes this movie seem even more credible than it already did.
Wow, is this a steaming pile of unconvincing flailing. “Who do you believe, us, objective fact checkers for the Associated Press, or your lying eyes?”
The mules recorded dumping piles of ballots in the drop boxes could’ve just been doing it for (large) families, or the disabled! And many were wearing gloves (in Atlanta) because of the cold, and COVID. And then they threw their rubber gloves in the trash because it, I dunno, warmed up quickly. 🙄🙄🙄
Pages and pages of fatuous and false deboonking like this only makes this movie seem even more credible than it already did.
Wow, is this pile of unconvincing flailing. “Who do you believe, us, objective fact checkers for the Associated Press, or your lying eyes?”
The mules recorded dumping piles of ballots in the drop boxes could’ve just been doing it for (large) families, or the disabled! And many were wearing gloves (in Atlanta) because of the cold, and COVID. And then they threw their rubber gloves in the trash because it, I dunno, warmed up quickly. 🙄🙄🙄
Pages and pages of fatuous and false deboonking like this only makes this movie seem even more credible than it already did.