How do I know?
You don't know though - you merely believe through abject appeal to authority. And frankly, if you are a scientist you should know better :(
I have to think some of the people pushing the idea are trying to make us look like nuts.
Kookifying, they call it. It does seem that way, but truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to possibilities... Would you care to have an earnest discussion with someone with different views than your own, in the collaborative pursuit of truth? If you earnestly engage, i think you will find the conversation rewarding regardless of if it has any impact on your perspectives (or vice versa - on my perspectives!)!
How do I know?
You don't know though - you merely believe through abject appeal to authority. And frankly, if you are a scientist you should know better :(
I have to think some of the people pushing the idea are trying to make us look like nuts.
Kookifying, they call it. It does seem that way, but truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to possibilities... Would you care to have an earnest discussion with someone with different views than your own, in the collaborative pursuit of truth? If you earnestly engage, i think you will find the conversation rewarding regardless of if it has any impact on your perspectives!
How do I know?
You don't you merely believe through abject appeal to authority. And frankly, if you are a scientist you should know better :(
I have to think some of the people pushing the idea are trying to make us look like nuts.
Kookifying, they call it. It does seem that way, but truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to possibilities... Would you care to have an earnest discussion with someone with different views than your own, in the collaborative pursuit of truth? If you earnestly engage, i think you will find the conversation rewarding regardless of if it has any impact on your perspectives!