We wont know for sure until the Fat Lady Sings in this here staged production.
But, in the meantime, give some thinkery to all the other impossible shit we've learned over the last grip of years is actually not only not impossible like our disinformers constantly shill at us, but is happening right in front of our eyes if we only care to look and see.
What has helped me was to adopt a mindset of "everything I thought I knew is bullshit" and then go through it all systematically as can be managed to validate or refute each item of "this is how it is/works/functions in society/culture/politics/national security" you believe you know or understand with the new info you're learning is the actual truth.
Be warned though. This method plays hell with your blood pressure.
We wont know for sure until the Fat Lady Sings in this here staged production.
But, in the meantime, give some thinkery to all the other impossible shit we've learned over the last grip of years is actually not only not impossible like our disinformers constantly shill at us, but is happening right in front of our eyes if we only care to look and see.
What has helped me was to adopt a mindset of "everything I thought I knew is bullshit" and then go through it all systematically as can be managed to validate or refute each item.
Be warned though. This method plays hell with your blood pressure.