LOL, bb code. That brings back memories.
In html, the backwards slash does indicate the end of closing of the tag, but in this case, it wasn't </src>, it was just /src. One might be tempted to insert a rant by posting <rant> Blah, blah blah </rant> in mock html code, but with /src, I've seen it numerous times in the last year, have used it myself, but never associated it with a closing tag or "end of".
In other words, this isn't an allusion to html or any other tagged code, but just a marker. Or maybe I'm wrong.
LOL, bb code. That brings back memories.
In html, the backwards slash does indicate the end of closing of the tag, but in this case, it wasn't </src>, it was just /src. So, in my view, this isn't an allusion to html or any other tagged code, but just a marker.
Seen that numerous times in the last year, and have used it myself.