I agree. Math is meditative, and everytime a connection is made when learning math, an actual pathway is created, linking two portions of the brain. This helps us to be more aware, better problem solvers, and more able to perceive the big picture.
Also, in physical therapy strategies to rehab stroke patients (whose brain pathways have been flooded or starved for blood), we used patterns of movement and posturing that cause the brain to rebuild its roadway system. Those can be built with specific use, or can atrophy with disuse.
There is an audio called Holosync which has this same effect, without the math or the physical therapy. You have to use stereo headphones because the frequency entering the amygdala on one side of the brain is different that the frequency entering the other side of the brain. So, the brain tries to reconcile by vibrating at the difference (which is the frequency of alpha waves), and as the brain communicates between the right and left amygdalas, it lays roadways, connecting the two hemispheres more intricately.
One of the main effects of Holosync is that we don't see things in such a judgmental way. Instead of thinking of a coin as being a "heads" or "tails", we see the coin as a whole. Instead of thinking of a document and only believing the black print has value, we realize the white paper is part of the message...both work together to help us recognize the letters. Instead of impatiently judging events as bad and hopeless, we see what is in front of us clearly, but see it as opportunities to utilize the events to design the path forward. These are like fuel in our car, moving is forward by motivating us to learn, share, and take action.
Tai Chi is also extremely helpful to bring us balance and healthier brain wiring.
I agree. It is meditative, and everytime a connection is made when learning math, an actual pathway is created, linking two portions of the brain. This helps us to be more aware, better problem solvers, and more able to perceive the big picture. In physical therapy strategies to rehab stroke patients (whose brain pathways have been flooded or starved), we used patterns of movement and posturing that cause the brain to rebuild its roadway system. Those can be built with specific use, or can atrophy with disuse.
There is an audio called Holosync which has this same effect, without the math or the physical therapy. You have to use stereo headphones because the frequency entering the amygdala on one side of the brain is different that the frequency entering the other side of the brain. So, the brain tries to reconcile by vibrating at the difference (which is the frequency of alpha waves), and as the brain communicates between the right and left amygdalas, it lays roadways, connecting the two hemispheres more intricately.
Tai Chi is also extremely helpful to bring us balance and healthier brain wiring.