I believe there were certain things put in place many years ago. Horrible things. Things the elites would be protected from while the watched the economies fall, diseases spread, civil war, mass starvation, violence, and even fallout.
The cabal would care less. They would be safely snuggled in their underground bunkers.
They set up an economic crash. Switched our fertile soil from food production to ethanol, vaxxed us to destroy our fertility and immune systems, etc. While they engineered viruses to kill us off. Outlawed cures and herbs that healed. Set up farms to produce malnourished plant foods that left us malnourished and then they lied to us about our nutrional needs. They then fluoridated our water to make us complacent and much much more
It was almost complete then something happened. Trump won. White hats had control.
So why us it taking so long to fix?
For one thing we had to destroy the safety nets of the cabal. Destroy their bunkers, etc. Without those nets they cannot unleash some of the more devastating curses.
Next we needed to prep on a massive level. Instead of prepping for just a few families the white hats had to prep for tens of billions of people. Things such as the economic collapse are irreversible. The bandaid must be pulled sonit can be rebuilt into a fair humane system.
Have you noticed the winters since Trump got into office? Seems somewhat warm until it all hits in January thru march. Almost as if something has expanded the growing season for the breadbasket states.
How many years does it take to create a food surplus for the world long enough to last through economic collapse?
How long does it take to sow the seeds of distrust against the media and those in power? We dont have to pull everyone on our side. Just get them distrustful enough that they can entertain the thought of the media being brought down.
How many years does it take to set up a new balanced monetary system that people qill trust?
How many years does it take to build cases, hold grand juries and indict thousands of criminals? Make deals that lead to bigger fish, etc?
Just a theory take it or leave it
I believe there were certain things put in place many years ago. Horrible things. Things the elites would be protected from while the watched the economies fall, diseases spread, civil war, mass starvation, violence, and even fallout.
The cabal would care less. They would be safely snuggled in their underground bunkers.
They set up an econimic crash. Switched our fertile soil from food production to ethanol, vaxxed us to destroy our fertility and immune systems, etc. While they engineered viruses to kill us off. Outlawed cures and herbs that healed. Set up farms to produce malnurished plant foods that left us malnourished and then they lied to us about our nutrional needs. They then fluoridated our water to make us complacent and much much more
It was almost complete then something happened. Trump won. White hTs had control.
So why us it taking so long to fix?
For one thing we had to destroy the safety nets of the cabal. Destroy their bunkers, etc. Without those nets they cannot unleash some of the more devastating curses.
Next we needed to prep on a massive level. Instead of prepping for just a few families the white hats had to prep for tens of billions of people. Things such as the economic collapse are irreversible. The bandaid must be pulled sonit can be rebuilt into a fair humane system.
Have you noticed the winters since Trump got into office? Seems somewhat warm until it all hits in January thru march. Almost as if something has expanded the growing season for the breadbasket states.
How many years does it take to create a food surplus for the world long enough to last through economic collapse?
How long does it take to sow the seeds of distrust against the media and those in power? We dont have to pull everyone on our side. Just get them distrustful enough that they can entertain the thought of the media being brought down.
How many years does it take to set up a new balanced monetary system that people qill trust?
How many years does it take to build cases, hold grand juries and indict thousands of criminals? Make deals that lead to bigger fish, etc?
Just a theory take it or leave it