This spending should not have been approved. If you can’t live within the budget, except for military funding for our troops, Medicare/Medicaid, social security, it should not be approved. Government agencies need to slash budgets now, fire/lay off non-essential workers. That also means zero aid to illegals-make it clear they stay in Mexico because we are not paying for food, housing, health care or education of non-citizens. The money is being used as a kick back to politicians, government officials, and to those funding the bio labs. The Ukraine permitted illegal activity in their country by the U.S., Germany, Ukraine, Poland, etc. which was detrimental to the world, so no further aide.
This spending should not have been approved. If you can’t live within the budget, except for military funding for our troops, Medicare/Medicaid, social security, it should not be approved. Government agencies need to slash budgets now, fire/lay off non-essential workers. That also means zero aid to illegals-make it clear they stay in Mexico because we are not paying for food, housing, health care or education of non-citizens.