In perfect lockstep? No, that is simply impossible.
And even if you believe that the atmosphere that is most closely attached to the earth could move in lockstep [which I still think it absurd: what is the tethering mechanism? We're talking about 100% lockstep here!] you would STILL expect the furthest reaches of the atmosphere to have very weak tethering to the surface. Remember, the orbit of its revolution is larger than the surface, so it has to move FASTER to orbit 1 revolution per day at those altitudes. So there has to be overcompensation to successfully tether.
But the upper atmosphere shows no indication of lagging behind the "direction of rotation". It's because our planet is not rotating at all.
And remember. Even if the atmosphere was 99% tethered to the surface, that would still be a constant net 10 mph wind in the direction opposite of the rotation.
In perfect lockstep? No, that is simply impossible.
And even if you believe that the atmosphere most closely attached to the earth could move in lockstep [which I still think it absurd: what is the tethering mechanism? We're talking about 100% lockstep here!] you would STILL expect the furthest reaches of the atmosphere to have very weak tethering to the surface. Remember, the orbit of its revolution is larger than the surface, so it has to move FASTER to orbit 1 revolution per day at those altitudes. So there has to be overcompensation to successfully tether.
But the upper atmosphere shows no indication of lagging behind the "direction of rotation". It's because our planet is not rotating at all.
And remember. Even if the atmosphere was 99% tethered to the surface, that would still be a constant net 10 mph wind in the direction opposite of the rotation.