no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe they transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles.
from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe they transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe they transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe they transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe they transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was also a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe the transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was also a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
And Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe the transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was also a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state & shaped like a Q.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was also a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state, shaped like a Q.
And Mt. Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe the transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was also a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state, shaped like a Q.
And mt Rushmore is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe the transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.
no way^ I've been thinking about monuments all week. thanks for making a post where we can discuss.
Everyone needs to look up 'axis mundi', ley lines, and what the Sioux believe about the Black Hills.
and how it relates to George Washington, Mt. Rushmore, Washington Monument, Peter Norbeck, Doane Robinson.
crazy stuff and lots of 17s
for example; Doane Robinson, AKA 'father of Mt. Rushmore' was a freemason and took 17 friends on vacation to the Black Hills. He also was called Evergreen. His friend, Governor Norbeck, was also a freemason and personally planned Iron Mountain Road around the monument; it's 17 miles. from above, the Presidential Trail looks like a Q 🕵♀️
SD is also the 17th largest state, shaped like a Q.
And the monument is looking at Washington memorial, like it was planned that way, maybe the transmit energy somehow? would be interesting to see a map of monuments and obelisks.