I can relate to your thinking here. An important and valid strategic question/reasoning. But here is what I come up with if I wonder or ask myself that question:
Firstly, none of this is secret. It's out there already.
Secondly, here's the rub: evil has to use evils methods. Evil is rooted in a corruption, a lie, a false purpose (enslavement of free peoples). Thus, its capacity to use uncorrupted tools, methods, etc, is severely limited.
Contrastively, Good uses methods, techniques and strategies that resonate and reverberate with Good's purpose and motive.
While there is some overlap, the truth is that Evil's methodologies and purposes are always a perversion of the original, Heavenly methodology and purpose.
For this reason, being open about methdology or technique is not a big issue. Truth and goodness thrive in the light. On the other hand, lies and evil require darkness in order to work and live. Evil has to keep itself secret on some level (deception), but Good can be open under certain conditions, because Evil cannot make use of many of the resources (honesty, purity, unselfishness) and methods (sacrifice) that Good uses.
Least, that's my take on it.
In short, it's an information war. Evil wins by increasing deception, hiddenness and manipulation; good wins by increasing honesty, openness and empowerment.
I can relate to your thinking here. An important and valid strategic question/reasoning. But here is what I come up with if I wonder or ask myself that question:
Firstly, none of this is secret. It's out there already.
Secondly, here's the rub: evil has to use evils methods. Evil is rooted in a corruption, a lie, a false purpose (enslavement of free peoples). Thus, it's capacity to use uncorrupted tools, methods, etc, is severely limited.
Contrastively, Good uses methods, techniques and strategies that resonate and reverberate with Good's purpose and motive.
While there is some overlap, the truth is that Evil's methodologies and purposes are always a perversion of the original, Heavenly methodology and purpose.
For this reason, being open about methdology or technique is not a big issue. Truth and goodness thrive in the light. On the other hand, lies and evil require darkness in order to work and live. Evil has to keep itself secret on some level (deception), but Good can be open under certain conditions, because Evil cannot make use of many of the resources (honesty, purity, unselfishness) and methods (sacrifice) that Good uses.
Least, that's my take on it.
In short, it's an information war. Evil wins by increasing deception, hiddenness and manipulation; good wins by increasing honesty, openness and empowerment.