There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. You do know all cancers are curable, right? No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders). Yamamoto has two patents from 90s disclosing the MAF cure for tumor cancer. Over 90 cures for regular cancer, usually with nutrients and/or immune system boost (example: Chaga tea). Alzheimers and neurodegen cured with heavy metal detox (tumeric) and niacin; and preventative is melatonin and niacin (pistachios).
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover. John McCain is best example. Even his daughter was caught saying “he was killed” rather than “he died”. He should have been put down well before 2018 for the USS Forrestal fire he started. He was one evil dude.
Do an analysis of elites avg age of death and you will see it is around 95, roughly +20 years over “average human”. Why do you think the self-appointed “elites masters” live a full 25% longer than “their slaves”? Statistical analysis indicates it is NOT random.
There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. You do know all cancers are curable, right? No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders). Yamamoto has two patents from 90s disclosing the MAF cure for tumor cancer. Over 90 cures for regular cancer, usually with nutrients and/or immune system boost. Alzheimers and neurodegen cured with heavy metal detox (tumeric) and niacin; and preventative is melatonin and niacin (pistachios).
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover. John McCain is best example. Even his daughter was caught saying “he was killed” rather than “he died”. He should have been put down well before 2018 for the USS Forrestal fire he started. He was one evil dude.
Do an analysis of elites avg age of death and you will see it is around 95, roughly +20 years over “average human”. Why do you think the self-appointed “elites masters” live a full 25% longer than “their slaves”? Statistical analysis indicates it is NOT random.
There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. You do know all cancers are curable, right? No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders).
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover. John McCain is best example. Even his daughter was caught saying “he was killed” rather than “he died”. He should have been put down well before 2018 for the USS Forrestal fire he started. He was one evil dude.
Do an analysis of elites avg age of death and you will see it is around 95, roughly +20 years over “average human”. Why do you think the self-appointed “elites masters” live a full 25% longer than “their slaves”? Statistical analysis indicates it is NOT random.
There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. You do know all cancers are curable, right? No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders).
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover. John McCain is best example. Even his daughter was caught saying “he was killed” rather than “he died”. He should have been put down well before 2018 for the USS Forrestal fire he started. Be was one evil dude.
Do an analysis of elites avg age of death and you will see it is around 95, roughly +20 years over “average human”. Why do you think the self-appointed “elites masters” live a full 25% longer than “their slaves”? Statistical analysis indicates it is NOT random.
There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. You do know all cancers are curable, right? No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders).
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover.
Do an analysis of elites avg age of death and you will see it is around 95, roughly +20 years over “average human”. Why do you think the self-appointed “elites masters” live a full 25% longer than “their slaves”? Statistical analysis indicates it is NOT random.
There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. You do know all cancers are curable, right? No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders).
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover.