Yes, a sting operation to catch them all, and also allow people to suffer the pain of Democrat policies. Helps wake people up. Q said people will need to feel the pain. His second to last drop was "Durham" well Durham is on the scene now. Q also said to look to Twitter "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..." Trump was kicked off Twitter, but Musk now owns it. Also interesting timing since some of Hillarys tweets are being used as evidence. Man I'm telling yall, things are coming together.
The last 2 months or so, God put the account of when Peter walked on water on my heart. To summarize, for as long as Peter kept his eyes on Christ, he walked on water. As soon as Peter ooked at the storm around him, he began to sink. Point is, keep your eyes on Christ, you might be in a storm, but He will make sure your boat won't sink.
For sure this country is in a storm right now, but it hit me just a few hours ago, was God also trying to tell me that "the storm is upon us"? Maybe. I don't know.
What I do know for sure, is that I've been praying that God would end the global cabal. I've been praying about that since before Trump ran in 2016. Since 2016, I've learned even more about the global cabal and how they operate and how they're the ones keeping poor countries poor. Imagine if the whole world had freedom and the oppressors string were cut loose? I net we'd see an end to cancer and world hunger and we'd see free energy
Yes, a sting operation to catch them all, and also allow people to suffer the pain of Democrat policies. Helps wake people up. Q said people will need to feel the pain. His second to last drop was "Durham" well Durham is on the scene now. Q also said to look to Twitter "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..." Trump was kicked off Twitter, but Musk now owns it. Also interesting timing since some of Hillarys tweets are being used as evidence. Man I'm telling yall, things are coming together.
The last 2 months or so, God put the account of when Peter walked on water on my heart. To summarize, for as long as Peter kept his eyes on Christ, he walked on water. As soon as Peter ooked at the storm around him, he began to sink. Point is, keep your eyes on Christ, you might be in a storm, but He will make sure your boat won't sink.
For sure this country is in a storm right now, but it hit me just a few hours ago, was God also trying to tell me that "the storm is upon us"?