Catcher In the Rye is a story about a confused youth trying to determine his future when he can't cope with his past or present situation. His success determines his family's future as well, as he is from parents who are both doctors from well-to-do families. Scions of aristocratic dynastic families encounter this issue. Think about the pressure. They will either be a power player, a great asset, or become a liability to the cause, especially if they are reckless.
The Entertainment and Sports Industries are a who's who of diverted scions.
They are given to The Circus.
Situationists International/The Boule/Royal Jesters of the Shrine/Hollywood
Holden Caulfield is such a character in the book. Add to this, the fact that he finds himself strangely attracted to his young sister while simultaneously feeling 'protective'. He is a repressed pedophile. "An actor out on loan, like a dog without a bone." Perhaps a future killer on the run.
So, as in the movie Manchurian Candidate, the subject needs to be controlled somehow and used for the cause as an asset. Making the best of a crisis so to speak. It's much more common than one might think. I have a name for it, but it's all part of the game of Catcher In The Rye.
A spider weaves a web in grass, catching things in the 'rye'. Holden in the book, has dreams of rushing towards a grass cliff's edge denoting his self hate and bent towards self-destruction.
This becomes a meme for the team.
Both in the original issue as a confused scion, and also the solution chosen.
In Manchurian Candidate, Angela Lansbury who played the Senator who had taken over her husband's office, and who's son was mk'd to kill her opponent, was herself the scion of the leader of the Labor Party in Britain after WW II.
Later, mk programmers started using the Catcher In The Rye book to program subjects as an 'inside joke'. One can find various examples of past assassins of modern times, being arrested while reading Cather In The Rye. What are the chances?
The book acted as 'anchor', and trigger words within the book were used.
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Catcher In the Rye is a story about a confused youth trying to determine his future when he can't cope with his past or present situation. His success determines his family's future as well, as he is from parents who are both doctors from well-to-do families. Scions of aristocratic dynastic families encounter this issue. Think about the pressure. They will either be a power player, a great asset, or become a liability to the cause, especially if they are reckless.
Holden Caulfield is such a character in the book. Add to this, the fact that he finds himself strangely attracted to his young sister while simultaneously feeling 'protective'. He is a repressed pedophile. "An actor out on loan, like a dog without a bone." Perhaps a future killer on the run.
So, as in the movie Manchurian Candidate, the subject needs to be controlled somehow and used for the cause as an asset. Making the best of a crisis so to speak. It's much more common than one might think. I have a name for it, but it's all part of the game of Catcher In The Rye.
A spider weaves a web in grass, catching things in the 'rye'. Holden in the book, has dreams of rushing towards a grass cliff's edge denoting his self hate and bent towards self-destruction.
This becomes a meme for the team.
Both in the original issue as a confused scion, and also the solution chosen.
In Manchurian Candidate, Angela Lansbury who played the Senator who had taken over her husband's office, and who's son was mk'd to kill her opponent, was herself the scion of the leader of the Labor Party in Britain after WW II.
Later, mk programmers started using the Catcher In The Rye book to program subjects as an 'inside joke'. One can find various examples of past assassins of modern times, being arrested while reading Cather In The Rye. What are the chances?
The book acted as 'anchor', and trigger words within the book were used.
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