Not that I am aware of. She had an occasional drink, never smoked, that I saw or knew of and didn’t smell of smoke or act like a smoker. She was (is still) a hoarder, horrible housekeeper, dust thick on everything and fridge (she had to get a fourth one and freezer because she wouldn’t even throw out or allow us to if there was even a single bite of leftovers.
She would scream at me alot and was always depressed. There was wood smoke from woodstove and cats in the house.
I have (hardly any symptoms anymore at 53) Bipolar 2 w/rapid cycling mixed mania that was diagnosed when I was 19. I had a bicornate uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis, (had ti have csections with all three kids. Had a tubal pregnancy and another that they called a spontaneous miscarriage (died but didn’t drop, caught in ultrasound)i have an extra lobe on my lung or kidney (don’t remember which) i was allergic to so many things in my environment and couldn’t gain weight and was always sick with asthma, laryngitis, tonsilitis, bronchitis, (hospitalized twice with pneumonia) chronic ear infections and staph infections, born with jaundice.
Currently pollens and much handling of cats bothers me a bit (after three years of allergy shots.). Still fight staph some. Have developed an allergy to crab and shrimp from west coast waters (crab is one of my favorite foods too ! Oh and hearing loss from all the infections that never healed because doctors refused to listen when I would tell them that the same medicine they always insisted on never worked. Scoliosis caught in sixth grade, And then there’s degenerative disc disease, this my recent spinal fusion after two previous microdiscectomies in ‘06 & ‘07.the back stuff began after lifting a patient doing home health care and lifting a niece who had gotten too heavy.
Not that I am aware of. She had an occasional drink, never smoked, that I saw or knew of and didn’t smell of smoke or act like a smoker. She was (is still) a hoarder, horrible housekeeper, dust thick on everything and fridge (she had to get a fourth one and freezer because she wouldn’t even throw out or allow us to if there was even a single bite of leftovers.
She would scream at me alot and was always depressed. There was wood smoke from woodstove and cats in the house.
I have (hardly any symptoms anymore at 53) Bipolar 2 w/rapid cycling mixed mania that was diagnosed when I was 19. I had a bicornate uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis, i have an extra lobe on my lung or kidney (don’t remember which) i was allergic to so many things in my environment and couldn’t gain weight and was always sick with asthma, laryngitis, tonsilitis, bronchitis, (hospitalized twice with pneumonia) chronic ear infections and staph infections, born with jaundice.
Currently pollens and much handling of cats bothers me a bit (after three years of allergy shots.). Still fight staph some. Have developed an allergy to crab and shrimp from west coast waters (crab is one of my favorite foods too ! Oh and hearing loss from all the infections that never healed because doctors refused to listen when I would tell them that the same medicine they always insisted on never worked.