Kahlil Gibran, known in Arabic as Gibran Khalil Gibran, was born January 6, 1883, in Bsharri, Lebanon, which at the time was part of Syria and part of the Ottoman Empire.
Far from a new world order, unfortunately in a time when children were bought and sold as merchandise in open air markets.
Not all parents are good parents.
Children as property is a sticky subject and has been for millennia, poor babies, everybody claims ownership and they just wanta be free.
The terrible twos, the first act of rebellion is absolutely beautiful.
The most destructive in my mind is the states claim on the child under the doctrine of parens patriae, basically, the children belong to the trust of state and parents enjoy them as long as they do what state wants.
I think every writer wants to tweek others work, I've certainly had that desire myself, best we can do is understand time and culture, struggle and scope to begin to understand the mind of the artist. :-)
Kahlil Gibran, known in Arabic as Gibran Khalil Gibran, was born January 6, 1883, in Bsharri, Lebanon, which at the time was part of Syria and part of the Ottoman Empire.
Far from a new world order, unfortunately in a time when children were bought and sold as merchandise in open air markets.
Not all parents are good parents.
Children as property is a sticky subject and has been for millennia, poor babies everybody claims ownership and they just wanta be free. The terrible twos, the first act of rebellion is absolutely beautiful.
The most destructive in my mind is the states claim on the child under the doctrine of parens patriae, basically, the children belong to the trust of state and parents enjoy them as long as they do what state wants.
I think every writer wants ot tweek others work, I've certainly had that desire myself, best we can do is understand time and culture, struggle and scope to begin to understand the mind of the artist. :-)