I can't get the exact delta timestamp, but its darn close. Within minutes I'd say.
Also within hours of Q post 3344 and 3346, as others have pointed out.
3344 was posted on the 23rd of May of 2019 at 21:11:34 which is 9:11 PM.
3346 was posted on the 23d of May of 2019 at 21:25:37 which is 9:25 PM.
That is a TQ / Trump delta within mere hours of a 3 year Q delta.
Mathematically impossible.
I can't get the exact delta timestamp, but its darn close. Within minutes I'd say.
Also within hours of Q post 3344 and 3346, as others have pointed out.
3344 was posted on the 23rd of May of 2019 at 21:11:34 which is 9:11 PM. 3346 was posted on the 23d of May of 2019 at 21:25:37 which is 9:25 PM.
That is a TQ / Trump delta within mere hours of a 3 year Q delta.
Mathematically impossible.