In regards to your train of thought: I'm not interested in attempts to prove Dinesh a liar. I don't care. As far as I'm concerned that's a distraction. The man put together on his own dime a damning documentary that is red pilling people by the millions. We're on the same side.
Anybody concerned about the stolen election in a position of law enforcement in AZ, could of course have an open investigation - I would hope so. And frustrated with the lack of movement by the AG and others in state government. Then he sees the extent presented by geo location data and video footage in 2000 Mules, and yea, goes berzerk and starts investigating the claims in the movie and people involved in his own back yard. It's not like he's saying the sheriff went "What? There was election fraud? Now you tell me!"
What's the problem? There is none. Focus on the real target
In regards to your train of thought: I'm not interested in attempts to prove Dinesh a liar. I don't care. As far as I'm concerned that's a distraction. The man put together on his own dime a damning documentary that is red pilling people by the millions. We're on the same side.
Anybody concerned about the stolen election in a position of law enforcement in AZ, could of course be investigating this. And frustrated with the lack of movement by the AG and others in state government. Then he sees the extent presented by geo location data and video footage in 2000 Mules, and yea, goes berzerk and starts investigating the claims in the movie and people involved in his own back yard.
What's the problem? There is none. Focus on the real target