Population growth and GDP per capita are inversely correlated in every country in the world, no exceptions.
Population growth and GDP are inversely correlated in every country in the world, no exceptions.
Population growth and GDP are inversely correlated in every country in the world, no exceptions. There's a reason why sparsely populated Nordics have the highest quality of life in the world while the third world with a thousand people on every street corner is dirt poor.
Population growth and GDP are inversely correlated to each other in every country in the world, no exceptions. There's a reason why sparsely populated Nordics have the highest quality of life in the world while the third world with a thousand people on every street corner is dirt poor.
Birth rate and GDP are inversely correlated to each other in every country in the world, no exceptions. There's a reason why sparsely populated Nordics have the highest quality of life in the world while the third world with a thousand people on every street corner is dirt poor.