This was a very obscure article buried into the interwebs leading to of all sites, Newsweek! It appears San Diego County is actually going after ANTIFA. And whom of all people reported on it? God blesses us with Andy Ngo. A personal Patriot hero of mine, and as always providing good Local Win news, this time for San Diego County for sure. Also a few court cases to keep in those peripherals Anons.
This was a very obscure article buried into the interwebs leading to of all sites, Newsweek! It appears San Diego County is actually going after ANTIFA. And whom of all people reported on it? God blesses us with Andy Ngo. A personal Patriot hero of mine, and a good Local Win for San Diego County for sure. Also a few court cases to keep in those peripherals Anons.
This was a very obscure article buried into the interwebs leading to of all sites, Newsweek! It appears San Diego County is actually going after ANTIFA. And whom of all people reported on it? Andy Ngo. A good Local Win for sure, and a few court cases to keep in those peripherals Anons.