We have a mix of free market and state Medicare here in Australia similar to UK NHS except no dental and minimal elective surgery, Average pay here is 120k for a tradesman on 38 hr week but expect to pay 12k in Medicare unless you take out private insurance and you pay $35 for a GP visit but we do have the highest standards in hospital and medical so we get what we pay for, Problem i see in the UK is it is a complete free for all for anything and nobody it’s seems to bother with taking out private insurance, it’s been that way from day dot and become a religion, any mention of free market health in the uk you’d could expect to be lynched as a heretic.
We have Medicare here in Australia similar to UK NHS except no dental and minimal elective surgery, Average pay here is 120k for a tradesman on 38 hr week but expect to pay 12k in Medicare unless you take out private insurance and you pay $35 for a GP visit but we do have the highest standards in hospital and medical so we get what we pay for, Problem i see in the UK is it’s a complete free for all for anything and nobody it’s seems to bother taking out private insurance, it’s been that way from day dot and become a religion to the British people.
We have Medicare here in Australia similar to UK NHS except no dental or elective surgery, Average pay here is 120k for a tradesman on 38 hr week but expect to pay 12k in Medicare and $35 for a GP visit but we do have the highest standards in hospital and medical so we get what we pay for.