I hope Tina is well guarded. The Hilary machine and Deep State will do anything to silence, including murder. This coming out in Mid-July, 3 1/2 months prior to the mid-term elections. I hope this means all Dominion and associated machines are abandoned and paper ballots on special encoded paper are used, that behind the scenes in the months remaining after primaries, printing companies have been selected and are busily printing as we now read. I am hoping this shows in July Italy’s involvement along with Vatican computers, in the vote switch. That it shows what part Gina Haskell, with others in Germany, played on Election Day. That communications with those involved and Obama is revealed. And that the real time vote switch on these machines is divulged.
This has been going on for years and I believe the old guard in Congress has been installed every election: Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, McConnell, Chaney, and others, as well as the newer members like Omar, AOC, Talib, etc. All have been installed, via cooked elections to alter votes in Congress, to disturb the status quo, to cause turmoil. To vote the way the Deep State wants them to because they have blackmail on most of Congress, mayors and governors. I strongly believe the primary in Ohio was rigged. People hate DeWine, but here we are, stuck with his RINO self for another term. He, most likely, was paid to go along with business shut downs, lock downs, mask wearing and shot mandates.
I hope Tina is well guarded. The Hilary machine and Deep State will do anything to silence, including murder. This coming out in Mid-July, 3 1/2 months prior to the mid-term elections. I hope this means all Dominion and associated machines are abandoned and paper ballots on special encoded paper are used, that behind the scenes in the months remaining after primaries, printing companies have been selected and are busily printing as we now read. I am hoping this shows in July Italy’s involvement along with Vatican computers, in the vote switch. That it shows what part Gina Haskell, with others in Germany, played on Election Day. That communications with those involved and Obama is revealed. And that the real time vote switch on these machines is divulged.
I hope Tina is well guarded. The Hilary machine and Deep State will do anything to silence, including murder.