We have the worst, nihilist media, video games included.
Everything is grimdark try hard edgy bullshit
Or "serious" and "mature" drama
And when people aren't watching HBO or prime time TV/netflix, they're listening to podcasts..
But not Bible studies, or political analysis, or educational ones..
No...true crime. Just true crime. Hundreds of true crime pod casts with millions of subscribers each
Our media IS TO BLAME for people's mental and emotional state
What happened to Saturday morning cartoons and anime?
Are there any family friendly sitcoms on prime time?
Why don't they ever just show a good movie before the news?
It's all to destroy our people's minds.
In Korea they show cute animal videos everyday on network TV so people destress a little
Half the stuff on NHK in Japan is cultural or educational
We have the worst, nihilist media, video games included.
Everything is grimdark try hard edgy bullshit
Or "serious" and "mature" drama
And when people aren't watching HBO or prime time TV/netflix, they're listening to podcasts..
But not Bible studies, or political analysis, or educational ones..
No...true crime. Just true crime. Hundreds of true crime pod casts with millions of subscribers each
Our media IS TO BLAME for people's mental and emotional state
What happened to Saturday morning cartoons and anime?
Are there any family friendly sitcoms on prime time?
Why don't they ever just show a good movie on before the news?
It's all to destroy our people's minds.
In Korea they show cute animal videos everyday on network TV so people destress a little
Half the stuff on NHK in Japan is cultural or educational