Top Quality Comment. Best one I've read today, I think.
Now, a side note, on Trust The Plan
Trust should not be blind. Effective trust has to be based on knowledge, understanding, and a willingness to accept the responsibility for placing that trust.
"Trust the Plan" naysayers and shills are targeting anons who may not be doing that enough. Not doing due diligence when applying trust makes one a weaker target for the shills and the demons.
At this point, anyone serious about Q and about the Plan should be trusting the plan because of everything we've seen, everything we've heard, and the facts and evidence, and applying due diligence in that context.
Another factor is, one cannot give true trust to any plan or any person if one doesn't have true trust in oneself. In other words, the message from Q is clear: Learn to trust yourself, by building up your critical thinking, your clarity of mind and heart, by building your understanding of yourself and where you come from, and your ability to apply the skills required to know and understand the world. Recognize that you have weaknesses as well as strengths. Self awareness is the bedrock of self-confidence (aka trust).
People who tries to "Trust the Plan" without understanding that this self-development due diligence message from Q is integral will end up succumbing to doom, to anger, to resentment and other destabilizing emotions, more than once, and possibly even often.
Doomers unintentionally and shills intentionally misinterpret "Trust the Plan", removing or ignoring the context of the Q message, and give it their own, fake meaning.
Trust should not be blind. Trust should be based on knowledge, understanding, and a willingness to accept the responsibility for placing that trust.
"Trust the Plan" naysayers and shills are targeting anons who may not be doing that enough, making them weaker targets.
But anyone serious about Q and about the Plan, who trusts it at this point, have to be doing so because of everything we've seen, everything we've heard, and the facts and evidence.
Problem is, one cannot give true trust to any plan if one doesn't have true trust in oneself. In other words, the message is clear: Learn to trust yourself, by building up your critical thinking, your clarity of mind and heart, by building your understanding of yourself and where you come from, and your ability to apply the skills required to know and understand the world.
People who try to trust the plan without understanding that this message from Q is integral will end up succumbing to doom, to anger, to resentment and other destabilizing emotions.
Doomers and shills intentionally misinterpret "Trust the Plan" and give it their own, fake meaning. Straw man tactic.