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Reason: None provided.

Well as you pointed out in another comment on this post, I'm one of those "hardcore religious types" who just doesn't want it to exist. But I'm also not stupid. Until Jesus comes back, sin, including homosexuality, isn't going to go away.

Now having said that, this type of crap should be shamed back into the closet and it's open promotion banned and punished. Personally, I like the way Hungary handles this. At one point, they legalized all this crap, but then they backtracked. They banned gay marriage again, banned gays from adopting or having children via surrogate, and have banned any and all promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. or the accompanying lifestyles.

You can't realistically or logically make it illegal to "be gay". That's a line none of us want to cross, since the only way to enforce it would be to violate people right to privacy. But you can ban it's open promotion, and force into the closet so that it's a private thing and considered shameful, which is exactly how it SHOULD be.

Pretty much everything you said in this post explains the logical, non religious, reasoning as to WHY homosexuality is unnatural and cancerous to a morally upright society. NOTHING that is openly promoted by the cabal is good. NOT A SINGLE THING. Least of all homosexuality.

And I'm sure some people on here will get butt hurt (pun intended) for your post, or what I and others are saying on here and the other posts you've made on this topic, but I'm honestly at the point that I don't care. Acceptance of this crap was a slippery slope and that "fallacy" has been proven true.

"Oh, all we want is equal rights and marriage!". Fast forward literally 7 years later, and now we have BDSM orgies in the streets in front of children in San Francisco, fag choirs openly singing about forcibly converting our children into queers, tranny fags dressed as literal demons reading gay propaganda to 4 year olds at "story time", and open pedophile "MAPs" demanding we also accept their "alternative lifestyle".

Argue with me all you want, but know you can't refute my last point without defending literal demons, groomers, and pedophiles. Which will only serve to further my point.

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Well as you pointed out in another comment on this post, I'm one of those "hardcore religious types" who just doesn't want it to exist. But I'm also not stupid. Until Jesus comes back, sin, including homosexuality, isn't going to go away.

Now having said that, this type of crap should be shamed back into the closet and it's open promotion banned and punished. Personally, I like the way Hungary handles this. At one point, they legalized all this crap, but then they backtracked. They banned gay marriage again, banned gays from adopting or having children via surrogate, and have banned any and all promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. or the accompanying lifestyles.

You can't realistically or logically make it illegal to "be gay". That's a line none of us want to cross, since the only way to enforce it would be to violate people right to privacy. But you can ban it's open promotion, and force into the closet so that it's a private thing and considered shameful, which is exactly how it SHOULD be.

Pretty much everything you said in this post explains the logical, non religious, reasoning as to WHY homosexuality is unnatural and cancerous to a morally upright society. NOTHING that is openly promoted by the cabal is good. NOT A SINGLE THING. Least of all homosexuality.

And I'm sure some people on here will get butt hurt (pun intended) for your post, or what I and others are saying on here and the other posts you've made on this topic, but I'm honestly at the point that I don't care. Acceptance of this crap was a slippery slope and that "fallacy" has been proven true.

"Oh, all we want is equal rights and marriage!". Fast forward literally 7 years later, and now we have BDSM orgies in the streets in front of children in San Francisco, fag quires openly singing about forcibly converting our children into queers, tranny fags dressed as literal demons reading gay propaganda to 4 year olds at "story time", and open pedophile "MAPs" demanding we also accept their "alternative lifestyle".

Argue with me all you want, but know you can't refute my last point without defending literal demons, groomers, and pedophiles. Which will only serve to further my point.

2 years ago
1 score