I'll add that John Deere is a terrible company, for not only this poor decision, but also because of their stance on "Right to Repair". They manufacture their tractors and parts in such a way, to force farmers to pay for expensive "authorized dealer" repairs only. Locking people out for being able to do routine repairs or repairs that should be self-servicable. They'll intentionally disable the vehicles automatically if "unauthorized" parts are installed or the computer codes aren't cleared after service performed (requiring the dealer equipment).
Read all about them: https://www.qwant.com/?q=John+Deere+right+to+repair+laws&t=web
I'm not sure the best way to combat a company that has a clear monopoly on the markets, but trying to vote with our wallets is never a bad choice, in other scenarios.
Edit: going to plug Louis Rossman from YT, since he's now become a huge advocate for Right to Repair, along with handing out daily redpills (can't tell if he's conservative or liberal, but he absolutely sees the writing on the wall)
I'll add that John Deere is a terrible company, for not only this poor decision, but also because of their stance on "Right to Repair". They manufacture their tractors and parts in such a way, to force farmers to pay for expensive "authorized dealer" repairs only. Locking people out for being able to do routine repairs or repairs that should be self-servicable. They'll intentionally disable the vehicles automatically if "unauthorized" parts are installed or the computer codes aren't cleared after service performed (requiring the dealer equipment).
Read all about them: https://www.qwant.com/?q=John+Deere+right+to+repair+laws&t=web
I'm not sure the best way to combat a company that has a clear monopoly on the markets, but trying to vote with our wallets is never a bad choice, in other scenarios.