I have chronic high blood pressure. I've notice a few things that always seem to matter.
- Drink LOTS of water.
- Cut back on salt. Look at the package for everything you eat. You would be SHOCKED at how much salt is in certain foods. Its insane.
- Drink some more water.
Lisinopril is a good place to start. Its been used for forever and works well to lower BP and protect kidneys/liver. I bet its one of the first thing a doctor will mention.
I have chronic high blood pressure. I've notice a few things that always seem to matter.
- Drink LOTS of water.
- Cut back on salt. Look at the package for everything you eat. You would be SHOCKED at how much salt is in certain foods. Its insane.
- Drink some more water.
Lisinopril is a good place to start. Its been used for forever and works well to low BP and protect kidneys/liver. I bet its one of the first thing a doctor will mention.
I have chronic high blood pressure. I've notice a few things that always seem to matter.
- Drink LOTS of water.
- Cut back on salt. Look at the package for everything you eat. You would be SHOCKED at how much salt is in certain foods. Its insane.
- Drink some more water.
Lisinopril is a good place to start. Its been used for forever and works well to low PD and protect kidneys/liver. I bet its one of the first thing a doctor will mention.