I hung my hat in North of Tampa, West of Gainesville and north of Lakeland, seems like every time I'd find a quiet little place in the country, a hop and a skip into the city, I'd blink my eyes and neighbors sprang up all around me.
There are days I miss the Shine, but in central Bama I can make it to the coast in a few hours. The winter months gives me a excuse to visit family and friends still in central Shine.
What part do you call home?
I hung my hat in North of Tampa, West of Gainesville and north of Lakeland, seems like every time I'd find a quiet little place in the country, a hop and a skip into the city, I'd blink my eyes and neighbors sprang up all around me.
There are days I miss the Shine, but in central Bama I can make it to the coast in a few hours. The winter months gives me a excuse to visit family and friends in still central Shine.
What part do you call home?