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Either open up some Vitamin E capsules or use a bottle of vitamin E. Rub that all over all the burned areas. Reapply as necessary. I used that on a bad sunburn once and the redness and pain went away overnight. I have also used an Aloe vera plant, split open and laid on an infected burn and it worked pretty quickly. You can use a bandage to keep it in place until the body absorbs the aloe. Aloe is also sold by the bottle...some for strictly topical use and some you can drink (George's). You can soak some clean cotton or gauze in the drinkable aloe and lay that on the worst spots. Lavender essential oil is great for sure it is not synthetic.. you can mix these or alternate you application. Also, Cantharis is a homeopathy for burns. You use it sublingually. If you got burned on the weekend you are late to be treating it. Just do your best with what you have and watch out for infection. Colloidal silver can help with that. Take a bunch of Vitamin C since it helps with tissue repair. Good luck and get well.

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Either open up some Vitamin E capsules or use a bottle of vitamin E. Rub that all over all the burned areas. Reapply as necessary. I used that on a bad sunburn once and the redness and pain went away overnight. I have also used an Aloe vera plant, split open and laid on an infected burn and it worked pretty quickly. You can use a bandage to keep it in place until the body absorbs the aloe. Aloe is also sold by the bottle...some for strictly topical use and some you can drink (George's). You can soak some clean cotton or gauze in the drinkable aloe and lay that on the worst spots. Lavender essential oil is great for sure it is not synthetic.. you can mix these or alternate you application. Also, Cantharis is a homeopathy for burns. You are it sublingually. If you got burned on the weekend you are late to be treating it. Just do your best with what you have and watch out for infection. Colloidal silver can help with that. Take a bunch of Vitamin C since it helps with tissue repair. Good luck and get well.

2 years ago
1 score