Genius move by The Donald, If he was to assemble another great team of lawyers, of the calibre that beat the fake impeachment scam, he has the opportunity to allow the world watch him, in real time, bring the whole shitshow down and compel the reversal of the stolen election.
They would have no other option, The world is watching.
Then the movie gets climactic. (Have you seen the price of popcorn these days ?! )
Then Rothschild be be presented with an unpayable invoice.
Genius move by The Donald, If he was to assemble another great team of lawyers, of the calibre that beat the fake impeachment scam, he has the opportunity to allow the world watch him, in real time, bring the whole shitshow down and compel the reversal of the stolen election.
They would have no other option, The world is watching.
Then the movie gets climactic. (Have you seen the price of popcorn these days ?! )