So you aren't prepared to spend $100 on making yourself extremely rich? if you knew it had human meat in it why would you not do that? not only would you become rich but you would smash a trafficking ring and put the Mcdonalds people in prison for life. Your story makes no sense. And i know for a fact they dont own all the labds because my sister and her husband both work in high positions at labs. Her husband is the top person in his field in England and his best friend runs the place.The people who do the actual tests are lowly lab techs. They would be the first person to see the human meat DNA signature
So you aren't prepared to spend $100 on making yourself extremely rich? if you knew it had human meat in it why would you not do that? not only would you become rich but you would smash a trafficking ring and put the Mcdonalds people in prison for life. Your story makes no sense. And i know for a fact they dont own all the labds because my sister and her husband both work in high positions at labs. Her husband is the top person in his field in England and his best friend runs the place.
So you aren't prepared to spend $100 on making yourself extremely rich? if you knew it had human meat in it why would you not do that? not only would you become rich but you would smash a trafficking ring and put the Mcdonalds people in prison for life. Your story makes no sense. And i know for a fact they dont own all the labds because my sister and her husband both work in high positions at labs. Her husband is the top person in his field in Ebgland and his best friend runs the place.