There is quite a bit of nonsense on Telegram and I dont suggest it for people new to truth seeking...
However once one has learned certain levels of discernment there is quite a bit of value to Telgram...It is easy to navigate a large number of topics and discussions.
At this time I dont communicate on there extensively....still too many normies that prefer to stand by preconceived beliefs rather than consider other angles or opinions.....
There is quite a bit of nonsense on Telegram and I dont suggest it for people new to truth seeking...
However once one has learned certain levels of discernment there is quite a bit of value to Telgram...It is easy to navigate a large number of topics and discussions.
At this time I dont communicate on there extensively....still too many normies that prefer to stand by preconceived beliefs rather than consider other angles or opinions.....
My favorite channel is Patel Patriot chat channel called SpitBallers,,, pretty well moderated and people not so rigid in beliefs