Caused me to search for Baphomet
The hermaphroditic goat headed one is a common image amongst the Hollywood types.
The use of “the entire Hollywood is a front for Satantic fux of all that is mentally twisted, genetically aberrant and morally depraved” is a common theatrical theme. Most notably to this aut, it displays in the remake of Dragnet with Dan Akroyed and (da da da DAH!) Tom Hanks.
Must have saved a bundle producing this scene… let’s see…who to call for the best deal on goat leggings… who to call, who to call…
The organization?
Caused me to search for Baphomet
The hermaphroditic goat headed one is a common image amongst the Hollywood types.
The use of “the entire Hollywood is a front for Satantic fux of all that is mentally twisted, genetically aberrant and morally depraved” is a common theatrical theme. Most notably to this aut, it displays in the remake of Dragnet with Dan Akroyed and (da da da DAH!) Tom Hanks.
Must have saved a bundle producing this scene… let’s seen, who to call for the best deal on goat leggings… who to call, who to call…
The organization?