Go back and read it carefully again smartass haha. No. Jesus doesn’t have to type. But if he is using the “human experience”, maybe you can imagine that. But thats not how I see it. I see him using more of his mind with Dragon Speak or something they have in the near future to do the words. But in the time Q began, we’d have to type it out. Have you ever seen Contact, or Frequency? Both have good ideas on how I think Jesus decided to use Q in order to relate to us. And he does it this way to avoid freaking people out, to be relatable. Think about it. How would you react if some dude knocked on your door saying he was Christ and you need to drop everything, and follow him? That’s what he did 2000 years ago. But he knows it wouldn’t work that way here in modern times. Nor can he send the talking Unicorn, because it won’t work that way either. The talking Unicorn would end up on some comedy show, or kept in a lab to test on for decades! No, he used the most efficient way to get our attention to relate to people in this age. What is that? Our computers/cell phones. Haven’t you seen the Matrix? Neo doesn’t just talk to randoms. He goes with people he knows, or at least can talk with him about specifics on his computer. So Morphius gets his attention with what?!…….. a computer. Jesus doesn’t want to be killed by some random wacko doing street preaching in NYC or SF this time. And he wants to avoid being locked in a psyc facility and nuked with Haldol, Ativan, and Benedryl because he “thinks he’s Jesus”.
So who is he going to contact so they can test everything? Military intelligence more than likely. And if God put Trump in place through his Devine intervention, it would be Trump’s people he would talk to first. Or JFK Jr. before he died. Have you seen Fall of the Cabal Part 10? If not watch it. All the crumbs for my theory are in there plain as day to me. But that’s my theory provided by something larger than I, And with faith I’m sticking to it.
Go back and read it carefully again smartass haha. No. Jesus doesn’t have to type. But if he is using the “human experience”, maybe you can imagine that. But thats not how I see it. I see him using more of his mind with Dragon Speak or something they have in the near future to do the words. But in the time Q began, we’d have to type it out. Have you ever seen Frequency? That’s a bit more how I think Jesus decided to use Q. And he does it this way to avoid freaking people out. Think about it. How would you react if some dude knocked on your door saying he was Christ and you need to drop everything, and follow him? That’s what he did last time. But he knows it wouldn’t work that way. Nor can he send the talking Unicorn, because it won’t work that way either. No, he used the most efficient way to get our attention to talk in this age. What is that? Our computers/cell phones. Haven’t you seen the Matrix? Neo doesn’t just talk to randoms. He goes with people he knows and Morphius gets his attention with what?!…….. a computer. Jesus doesn’t want to be killed by some random wacko this time either or locked in a psyc facility. So who is he going to contact so they can test everything? Military intelligence more than likely. And if God put Trump in place through his Devine intervention, it would be Trump’s people he would first talk to, or JFK Jr. before he died. Have you seen Fall of the Cabal Part 10? If not watch it. All the crumbs for my theory are in there plain as day to me.