Yes that certainly helps your case. Wanna call me a retard? Ok, let's take a closer look at what you said.
"...statements have been perverted by hostile laywers..."
Full stop. DID WHAT now? Perverted the statement? So they perverted the statement, and now the statement stands perverted. Why does it stand perverted? We know the original statement and we know the perverted version. Why do we accept the perverted version over the original? Also, who is to blame for this perversion? The original author? The hostile lawyers? The people who accepted the perversion?
People have perverted the unpervertable from the beginning. Next you'll tell me the Bible should have clarified its points.
Yes that certainly helps your case. Wanna call me a retard? Ok, let's take a closer look at what you said.
"...statements have been perverted by hostile laywers..."
Full stop. DID WHAT now? Perverted the statement? So they perverted the statement, and now the statement stands perverted. Why does it stand perverted? We know the original statememt and we know the perverted version. Why do we accept the perverted version over the original? Also, who is to blame for this perversion? The original author? The hostile lawyers? The people who accepted the perversion?
People have perverted the unpervertable from the beginning. Next you'll tell me the Bible should have clarified its points.