That's what we're unsure of. See those six zeros in a row? Normally there is an alphanumeric sequence right there (not to be confused with the trip code). That's an 'ID', sort of like a temporary screen name for each individual poster, though changes with each thread. (Like, I may get GF5hyM in one thread and 5rFg7B in the next) When someone uses TOR, it always shows up as 000000. The numbers next to an ID is how many posts that particular poster has made in the thread. Q is supposed to be the only person that can use TOR, so the implication is Q sock puppeting (also called 'samefagging' in the chan circles) in the thread, given only Q can use TOR and there is a (2) by the 000000 ID.
That's what we're unsure of. See those six zeros in a row? Normally there is an alphanumeric sequence right there (not to be confused with the trip code). That's an 'ID', sort of like a temporary screen name for each individual poster, though changes with each thread. (Like, I may get GF5hyM in one thread and 5rFg7B in the next) When someone uses TOR, it always shows up as 000000. The numbers next to an ID is how many posts that particular poster has made in the thread. Q is supposed to be the only person that can use TOR, so the implication is Q sock puppeting (also called 'samefaging' in the chan circles) in the thread, given only Q can use TOR and there is a 2 by the 000000 ID.