Because the Manstream Media also moved on it like clockwork.
Calling people dumb or stupid for being skeptical until we have proofs is not helping and reeks of drinking Koolaid.
This is the digital age. If they can steal an election, they can steal a tripcode. We knew Q was legit from the first because Q provided proofs.
Therefore, I want more evidence before I make a decision on whether or not I trust. I think that is perfectly reasonable.
Because the Manstream Media moved also moved on it like clockwork.
Calling people dumb or stupid for being skeptical until we have proofs is not helping and reeks of drinking Koolaid.
This is the digital age. If they can steal an election, they can steal a tripcode. We knew Q was legit from the first because Q provided proofs.
Therefore, I want more evidence before I make a decision on whether or not I trust. I think that is perfectly reasonable.