I bring this up because my small church of 20 or so had a full 15 minute congregational discussion about the win. A discussion of thanksgiving, hallelujahs, Amens, and then a call to action on how to proceed from here, how to help women, how to be loving in a tumultuous time, how to be an answer when women who have been lied to feel like there are no answers. We had heartfelt prayers and a strong belting of hymns of praise to follow.
That evening at extended family dinner my sister was distraught nearly to the point of tears because at her large 1000+ church, they merely said, “we got some very surprising news this week, let’s all remember to be nice” and that was it. After that it was business as usual. It’s like they couldn’t even say the word “abortion”. Christians have fought for over 50 years for this day and our church leaders still don’t want to step on any toes, or make people uncomfortable. Thousands if not millions of babies lives will be saved! This is a celebration! This is a monumentous pivot point. I can’t fathom how God could bestow such a blessing on this nation and the church is too scared to give thanks. I’m baffled, I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m angry to tears, but I’m the same breath I’m thankful for His grace and pray for a TRUE revival in the church.
Remember Jesus flipped tables, not in the world but in the church.
I bring this up because my small church of 20 or so had a full 15 minute congregational discussion about the win. A discussion of thanksgiving, hallelujahs, Amens, and then a call to action on how to proceed from here, how to help women, how to be loving in a tumultuous time, how to be answer when women who have been lied to fell like there are no answers. We had heartfelt prayers and a strong belting of hymns of praise to follow.
That evening at extended family dinner my sister was distraught nearly to the point of tears because at her large 1000+ church, they merely said, “we got some very surprising news this week, let’s all remember to be nice” and that was it. After that it was business as usual. It’s like they couldn’t even say the word “abortion”. Christians have fought for over 50 years for this day and our church leaders still don’t want to step on any toes, or make people uncomfortable. Thousands if not millions of babies lives will be saved! This is a celebration! This is a monumentous pivot point. I can’t fathom how God could bestow such a blessing on this nation and the church is too scared to give thanks. I’m baffled, I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m angry to tears, but I’m the same breath I’m thankful for His grace and pray for a TRUE revival in the church.
Remember Jesus flipped tables, not in the world but in the church.