The people are with Trump. They like Desantis but they trust Trump. If Desantis runs we all lose as he splits the vote. If he stays loyal to Trump people will like and vote for him when its his turn. Me thinks there’s a big surprise for Trumps’s VP. Call me crazy but I’m thinking, hoping and wishing it’s JFK, Jr. who has a big score to settle with the deep state. I can see Trump putting him in charge of seeing to it they all hang or face firing squads. In other words Trump puts John-John in charge of cleaning house.
The people are with Trump. They like Desantis but they trust Trump. If Desantis runs we all lose as he splits the vote. If he stays loyal to Trump people will like and vote for him when its his turn. Me thinks there’s a big surprise for Trumps’s VP. Call me crazy but I’m thinking, hoping and wishing it’s JFK, Jr.