China & Wuhan is beginning to look more and more as their distraction - setting up a don’t look at us look at them narrative , who’s to say that their human rights etc has all been fake news from the out set, now they are trying to pull off the South Pacific scare with fake news that they are setting up bases to threaten NZ and Australia.
China & Wuhan is beginning to look more and more as their distraction setting up a don’t look at us look at them narrative , who’s to say that their human rights is all fake news , now they are trying to pull off the South Pacific scare with fake news that they are setting up bases to threaten NZ and Australia.
China & Wuhan is beginning to look more and more as their distraction setting up a don’t look at us look at them narrative , who’s to say that their human rights is all fake news , now they are trying to pull off the South Pacific scare tactics with fake news that they are setting up bases to threaten NZ and Australia.
China & Wuhan is beginning to look more and more as their distraction setting up a don’t look at us look at them narrative.