"He looks" reactions, when viewed as feedback from an informal Rohrshach Diagnostic Test, can give insight into current subjective filters that affect how the outside world is seen and interpreted.
When one becomes aware of these filters, interpretations improve which can improve actions taken and what happens as a result of those actions.
Pool players call this learning " your eye". Once you learn how "off" your eye is when lining up a shot, you can train yourself to adjust so you start shooting "straight".
"He looks", when viewed as an informal Rohrshach Diagnostic Test gives feedback on subjective filters that affect how the outside world is seen and interpreted. When one becomes aware of these filters, interpretations improve which can improve actions taken and what happens as a result of those actions.
Pool players call this learning " your eye". Once you learn how "off" your eye is, you can train yourself to adjust so you start shooting "straight".