The riddle of wisdom, when one loose patients, often they become one...
Just can't imagine any situation where your butt isn't cute...
You're a Lady of faith, take a breath and look around, there may be something God wants you to see...
Only out of the ashes can rise the phoenix, with its promise of regeneration and rejuvenation.
So in the immortal words of
"Rockmaster Scott and the Dynamic Three"
The roof, the roof,
the roof is on fire!
We don't need no water,
Let the motherfucker burn!
Burn, motherfucker, burn!
The riddle of wisdom, when one loose patients, often they become one...
Just can't imagine any situation where your butt isn't cute...
You're a Lady of faith, take a breath and look around, there may be something God wants you to see...
Only out of the ashes can rise the phoenix, with its promise of regeneration and rejuvenation.
So in the immortal words of
"Rockmaster Scott and the Dynamic Three"
🎶 The roof, the roof,
the roof is on fire!
We don't need no water,
Let the motherfucker burn!
Burn, motherfucker, burn!