The greatest upper estimate of the Azov Battalion in 2020 was between 900 and 2500, whether you like it or not.
Not six gorillion.
And yes, I agree with most of your comments: the Azov Battalion's Nazi identity is a complex mixture of hatred for Russians and a want for a race-nation to protect their culture in exactly the same way as what the Jews have with Israel: nation for the Jewish race.
The greatest upper estimate of the Azov Battalion in 2020 was between 900 and 2500, whether you like it or not.
Not six gorilion.
And yes, I agree with most of your comments: the Azov Battalion's Nazi identity is a complex mixture of hatred for Russians and a want for a race-nation to protect their culture in exactly the same way as what the Jews have with Israel: nation for the Jewish race.
The greatest upper estimate of the Azov Battalion in 2020 was between 900 and 2500, whether you like it or not.
Not six gorilion.
And yes, I agree with most of your comments: the Azov Battalion's Nazi identity is a complex mixture of hatred for Russians and a want for a race-nation to protect their culture in exactly the same way as what the Jews have with Israel.