The US Treasury does NOT print money. It could, but it does not. That is the scam (or part of it).
If you are talking about the physical printing of paper currency (and coin), that is done by the US Mint, not the US Treasury. But the authority to do it comes from the Federal Reserve (via Congress' treasonous Federal Reserve Act).
Plus, currency in circulation is less than 1% of the total money supply. Most of it is digital and paper instruments (US Treasury instruments).
The New York Federal Reserve Bank handles ALL "Open Market Operations," which is the buying and selling of securities and other assets.
THAT is printing money, because they buy these things without any money of their own.
The US Treasury borrows from the FR. Those Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are all lending instruments. The FR gives the Treasury the "money" by lending the Treasury the "money" when the Treasury borrows.
Where does the FR get the "money" to buy those instruements?
It prints it from nothing.
What if you are the Treasury and I am the Federal Reserve?
You want to borrow because Congress can't stop spending more than it steals.
You, the Treasury, do NOT print your own money. You borrow it ... mostly from me, the Federal Reserve.
So, you want to borrow a couple trillion. You print up some debt instruments and ask me to give you money by buying those instruments.
What if I say no?
The US Treasury does NOT print money. It could, but it does not. That is the scam (or part of it).
If you are talking about the physical printing of paper currency (and coin), that is done by the US Mint, not the US Treasury. But the authority to do it comes from the Federal Reserve (via Congress' treasonous Federal Reserve Act).
The New York Federal Reserve Bank handles ALL "Open Market Operations," which is the buying and selling of securities and other assets.
THAT is printing money, because they buy these things without any money of their own.
The US Treasury borrows from the FR. Those Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are all lending instruments. The FR gives the Treasury the "money" by lending the Treasury the "money" when the Treasury borrows.
Where does the FR get the "money" to buy those instruements?
It prints it from nothing.
What if you are the Treasury and I am the Federal Reserve?
You want to borrow because Congress can't stop spending more than it steals.
You, the Treasury, do NOT print your own money. You borrow it ... mostly from me, the Federal Reserve.
So, you want to borrow a couple trillion. You print up some debt instruments and ask me to give you money by buying those instruments.
What if I say no?
The US Treasury does NOT print money. It could, but it does not. That is the scam (or part of it).
The New York Federal Reserve Bank handles ALL "Open Market Operations," which is the buying and selling of securities and other assets.
THAT is printing money, because they buy these things without any money of their own.
The US Treasury borrows from the FR. Those Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are all lending instruments. The FR gives the Treasury the "money" by lending the Treasury the "money" when the Treasury borrows.
Where does the FR get the "money" to buy those instruements?
It prints it from nothing.
What if you are the Treasury and I am the Federal Reserve?
You want to borrow because Congress can't stop spending more than it steals.
You, the Treasury, do NOT print your own money. You borrow it ... mostly from me, the Federal Reserve.
So, you want to borrow a couple trillion. You print up some debt instruments and ask me to give you money by buying those instruments.
What if I say no?