Knowledge is power and the keystone to our awakening movement.
Yes, I think KNOWLEDGE is the true keystone.
"Occult" means "hidden knowledge." It does not mean satanism or symbolism or any of that. Occultists might engage in that other stuff, too, but the word just means hidden knowledge.
That is how [they] have kept the masses in the dark.
Before the printing press, 99% of people could not read. So, they didn't know what was REALLY in the Bible or the king's laws. They had to trust someone else to tell them.
After the printing press (500 years ago), there was a revolution because the people could see they had been lied to about what was in the Bible and the king's laws.
Then, the internet came along. Suddenly, massive amounts of information became easily available. Some of it nonsense, but some of it revealing hidden truths like never before.
The Great Awakening is the beginning of the next phase of enlightenment, as more and more people come together to share their combined knowledge.
Once the fake news media is taken down, the entire world will know what we know.
The Federal Reserve, due to its financial power due to its monopoly, has been a tool for those behind it to use that financial power to create a system of more and more control.
Withholding knowledge has been their keystone.
But as we take that ability away from them and claim it for ourselves, knowledge becomes our keystone.
Q was the start of the modern movement of that process.
Printing Press >> Internet >> Great Awakening
Knowledge is power and the keystone to our awakening movement.
Yes, I think KNOWLEDGE is the true keystone.
"Occult" means "hidden knowledge." It does not mean satanism or symbolism or any of that. Occultists might engage in that other stuff, too, but the word just means hidden knowledge.
That is how [they] have kept the masses in the dark.
Before the printing press, 99% of people could not read. So, they didn't know what was REALLY in the Bible or the king's laws. They had to trust someone else to tell them.
After the printing press (500 years ago), there was a revolution because the people could see they had been lied to about what was in the Bible and the king's laws.
Then, the internet came along. Suddenly, massive amounts of information because easily available. Some of it nonsense, but some of it revealing hidden truths like never before.
The Great Awakening is the beginning of the next phase of enlightenment, as more and more people come together to share their combined knowledge.
Once the fake news media is taken down, the entire world will know what we know.
The Federal Reserve, due to its financial power due to its monopoly, has been a tool for those behind it to use that financial power to create a system of more and more control.
Withholding knowledge has been their keystone.
But as we take that ability away from them and claim it for ourselves, knowledge becomes our keystone.
Q was the start of the modern movement of that process.
Printing Press >> Internet >> Great Awakening
Knowledge is power and the keystone to our awakening movement.
Yes, I think KNOWLEDGE is the true keystone.
"Occult" means "hidden knowledge." It does not mean satanism or symbolism or any of that. Occultists might engage in that other stuff, too, but the word just means hidden knowledge.
That is how [they] have kept the masses in the dark.
Before the printing press, 99% of people could not read. So, they didn't know what was REALLY in the Bible or the king's laws. They had to trust someone else to tell them.
After the printing press (500 years ago), they was a revolution because the people could see they had been lied to about what was in the Bible and the king's laws.
Then, the internet came along. Suddenly, massive amounts of information because easily available. Some of it nonsense, but some of it revealing hidden truths like never before.
The Great Awakening is the beginning of the next phase of enlightenment, as more and more people come together to share their combined knowledge.
Once the fake news media is taken down, the entire world will know what we know.
The Federal Reserve, due to its financial power due to its monopoly, has been a tool for those behind it to use that financial power to create a system of more and more control.
Withholding knowledge has been their keystone.
But as we take that ability away from them and claim it for ourselves, knowledge becomes our keystone.
Q was the start of the modern movement of that process.
Printing Press >> Internet >> Great Awakening