Very true and correct. Even Jesus says that our 'common sense' comes from observing the natural world. Seeking the Word of God only inspires this observation to learn. We are commanded to use our cognition and rationalize our existence. When emotion leads cognitive rationale, the Divine law is jeopardized and discarded. When the bible talks about the 'salt of the earth' it is referencing our observation of the God-given natural world and our hunger to understand the Divine order governed by the Holy Spirit. Cosmpolitanism or being urbane is being blind to the real world that the Creator has gifted us. The trouble today due to the widespread construct of urbanity, and the demonic forces ruling over it, 'common sense' is no longer common. When 'common sense' is no longer common, we have lost our faith and have become an idiocracy.
Very true and correct. Even Jesus says that our 'common sense' comes from observing the natural world. Seeking the Word of God only inspires this observation to learn. We are commanded to use our cognition and rationalize our existence. When emotion leads cognitive rationale, the Divine law is jeopardized and disgarded. When the bible talks about the 'salt of the earth' it is referencing our observation of the God-given natural world and our hunger to understand the Divine order governed by the Holy Spirit. Cosmpolitanism or being urbane is being blind to the real world that the Creator has gifted us. The trouble today due to the widespread construct of urbanity, and the demonic forces ruling over it, 'common sense' is no longer common. When 'common sense' is no longer common, we have lost our faith and have become an idiocracy.