It is absolutely criminal and evil what the Obama State Department, Killery, did to Libya. That country was destroyed and their wealth stolen. Then the criminals took those same weapons and tried to destroy Syria. The Russians helped to stop the rollover. Our current situation in Ukraine is that same group of insane globalists and neocons trying to overthrow Russia for doing the same thing Gaddafi did - tell the Central Bank to go get f***ed. The difference here is that Russia has nukes and knows how to fight back. While the collective West has been setting up money laundering and other corruption staging in Ukraine, Russia has quietly been preparing to take on NATO and the bankers. The lessons learned from Libya were not lost on the Russians.
It is absolutely criminal and evil what the Obama State Department, Killery, did to Libya. That country was destroyed and their wealth stolen. Then the criminals took those same weapons and tried to do the destroy Syria. The Russians helped to stop the rollover. Our current situation in Ukraine is that same group of insane globalists and neocons trying to overthrow Russia for doing the same thing Gaddafi did - tell the Central Bank to go get f***ed. The difference here is that Russia has nukes and knows how to fight back. While the collective West has been setting up money laundering and other corruption staging in Ukraine, Russia has quietly been preparing to take on NATO and the bankers. The lessons learned from Libya were not lost on the Russians.