Reason: None provided.
They blame men and therefore don't know anything about all the evil women that run the world:
Hillary Clinton
Nancy Pelosi
Madeleine Albright (gone!)
Ghislaine Maxwell
Liz Cheney
Maxine Waters
Angela Merkel
Christine LaGarde
Ursula von der Leyen
Marie Antoinette (long gone!)
- QUEEN LIZZY (how could I forget, thanks to Fringe-Dweller!)
2 years ago
7 score
Reason: Original
They blame men and therefore don't know anything about all the evil women that run the world:
Hillary Clinton
Nancy Pelosi
Madeleine Albright (gone!)
Ghislaine Maxwell
Liz Cheney
Maxine Waters
Angela Merkel
Christine LaGarde
Ursula von der Leyen
Marie Antoinette (long gone!)
2 years ago
1 score