How in the fuck are they able to so successfully memory hole decades upon decades of failed ever changing boogeyman fear porn predictions that never materialize, while benefiting themselves and disempowering The People? It freaks me tf out, how how absolutely masterful they are at manipulating and controlling and bending to their whims mass swaths of human consciousness….how malleable we are to their endless schemes and scams…how distractible and obedient and dumbed down they have MADE us! Putty in their hands. It’s so insanely nonsensical, yet organized and methodical, that at this point I honestly think there’s almost no other way to explain it than it being almost “supernatural”. A dark slave programming coma spell cast on the entire world by those with a vastly deeper understanding of human nature and human consciousness than we have ever been permitted to know (about ourselves). Thank GOD it’s beginning to change now, but…HOW DID IT TAKE THIS LONG? In my most (perhaps naively) hopeful and optimistic visions, I see a complete reversal of…everything. All the negative fear programming…all the forced scarcity…all the manipulation employed to cause us to enslave and destroy ourselves….reversed to the positive polarity. What kind of world could we create, free of this dark influence of lies, fear, hate and deception? I literally cannot imagine.
How in the fuck are they able to so successfully memory hole decades upon decades of failed ever changing boogeyman fear porn predictions that never materialize, while benefiting themselves and disempowering The People? It freaks me tf out, how how absolutely masterful they are at manipulating and controlling and sending to their whims mass swaths of human consciousness….how malleable we are to their endless schemes and scams…how distractible and obedient and dumbed down they have MADE us! Putty in their hands. It’s so insanely nonsensical, yet organized and methodical, that at this point I honestly think there’s almost no other way to explain it than it being almost “supernatural”. A dark slave programming coma spell cast on the entire world by those with a vastly deeper understanding of human nature and human consciousness than we have ever been permitted to know (about ourselves). Thank GOD it’s beginning to change now, but…HOW DID IT TAKE THIS LONG? In my most (perhaps naively) hopeful and optimistic visions, I see a complete reversal of…everything. All the negative fear programming…all the forced scarcity…all the manipulation employed to cause us to enslave and destroy ourselves….reversed to the positive polarity. What kind of world could we create, free of this dark influence of lies, fear, hate and deception? I literally cannot imagine.
How in the fuck are they able to so successfully memory hole decades upon decades of failed ever changing boogeyman fear porn predictions that never materialize? It freaks me tf out, how how absolutely masterful they are at manipulating and controlling and sending to their whims mass swaths of human consciousness….how malleable we are to their endless schemes and scams…how distractible and obedient and dumbed down they have MADE us! Putty in their hands. Thank GOD it’s changing now, but…HOW DID IT TAKE THIS LONG?