Thank you, fren. Your last line is really profound; I'm a big believer in trying to do the right thing in life, listening to your heart, or conscience whatever you might call it. I think you're always provided for and things end up going right for you, no matter how dark it may seem, if you follow that inner voice and always try to do what you know is right. People get so lost in life when they forget this and start worrying more about trying to do what's best for themselves only, or make choices that are ambiguous or not made with the right intentions.
I've got a whole philosophy on it but I won't drone on about it.
Anyways I guess its step by step and I just have to be content with not seeing an immediate solution. Working at anything enough will yield results - often it doesn't happen how we expect or when either - but I think finding contentment in the process itself is the big key. I used to have these days where I'd go to work and just be excited to get in the door, assess the situation and start moving until muscle memory took over. It felt like I could slip into that nice zone where you're making a lot happen without thinking too much. Just honing your craft and making decisions quickly and easily. I think I explained that in a way that's decipherable 🤣
Last thought. I think you're right about being able to help bring these stories and subjects to other people, whether they are in our own life or just fellow travelers in our little corner of the web. I feel good being able to help get the message out and it seems like other people have the same ideas about it, we see more and more people at all levels of society speaking out about what's going on. It feels like fulfilling an important mission, that has major consequences for the future of all people on our planet. If you can contribute to that and do something you love simultaneously I think you're really on the right track.
I honestly believe that it will take many people and their talents being used toward all aspects of "what's coming" if we are gonna see this through as a species....
You hope you can reach someone with it, is what I think we're both saying.
Thanks for your thoughts! Godspeed.
Thank you, fren. Your last line is really profound; I'm a big believer in trying to do the right thing in life, listening to your heart, or conscience whatever you might call it. I think you're always provided for and things end up going right for you, no matter how dark it may seem, if you follow that inner voice and always try to do what you know is right. People get so lost in life when they forget this and start worrying more about trying to do what's best for themselves only, or make choices that are ambiguous or not made with the right intentions.
I've got a whole philosophy on it but I won't drone on about it.
Anyways I guess its step by step and I just have to be content with not seeing an immediate solution. Working at anything enough will yield results - often it doesn't happen how we expect or when either - but I think finding contentment in the process itself is the big key. I used to have these days where I'd go to work and just be excited to get in the door, assess the situation and start moving until muscle memory took over. It felt like I could into that nice zone where you're making a lot happen without thinking too much. Just honing your craft and making decisions quickly and easily. I think I explained that in a way that's decipherable 🤣
Last thought. I think you're right about being able to help bring these stories and subjects to other people, whether they are in our own life or just fellow travelers in our little corner of the web. I feel good being able to help get the message out and it seems like other people have the same ideas about it, we see more and more people at all levels of society speaking out about what's going on. It feels like fulfilling an important mission, that has major consequences for the future of all people on our planet. If you can contribute to that and do something you love simultaneously I think you're really on the right track.
I honestly believe that it will many people and their talents being used toward all aspects of "what's coming" if we are gonna see this through as a species....
You hope you can reach someone with it, is what I think we're both saying.
Thanks for your thoughts! Godspeed.